Know before you go
Safety information
Trail Reports
- Trail Report for the east end of the park [PDF]
- Trail Report for the west end of the park [PDF] (scroll to the Purcell entry)
Stay safe
- The park is a wilderness area without supplies or equipment of any kind. All arrangements for supplies and transportation must be made in advance.
- Weather conditions can change suddenly, and lightning storms with hail and snow are common in summer.
- Wear strong, water-proofed, lug-soled boots. Carry a day-pack with rain gear, extra clothing, and food. For overnight trips, a sleeping bag, ground pad, water-proof tent or bivouac bag, and light-weight stove are essential.
- Bring your own drinking water, as potable water is not available in the park. To ensure that water from streams is safe to drink, it must be boiled for at least five minutes or treated or filtered.
- Only experienced climbers, practiced in crevasse rescue and properly roped, should venture onto snowfields.
- Loaded logging trucks and other industrial traffic may be encountered while accessing this park from British Columbia. Drive with extreme caution, and for your safety, always yield to industrial traffic.
- Public communications are not available at this park.
- The Purcell Wilderness Conservancy is home to a healthy resident grizzly bear population, so be prepared for sightings. Recognizing recent signs, maintaining clean camps and remaining alert while travelling, are import for your safety, and the safety of the bears.
- Most of the stream crossings in the park are un-bridged and must be forded. The major drainages may be in flood until the end of July and are at times not negotiable either on horse or foot. The exceptions are the three cable cars on the Hamill Creek portion of the Earl Grey Trail, the bridge over Westley Creek on the Dewar Creek trail, and the bridge over Fry Creek Canyon. Note that gloves are useful for pulling on the cable on the cable car crossings.
- Giardiasis, commonly known as “Beaver Fever” exists throughout the backcountry of British Columbia. Boil or filter water before drinking. For more information on Giardiasis, visit HealthLink BC.
- Please be extremely careful with fire. Camp stoves should be used for all cooking.
Special notes
- Historical structures exist. Please use caution.
- Please leave trails and camps as you have found them so that future visitors may enjoy them as you have. Learn more about Leave No Trace outdoor ethics in our backcountry guide.
- Firearms are prohibited except by hunters during open hunting season. Check British Columbia Hunting Regulations for dates.
- A number of guide-outfitters offer hunting, hiking and wildlife viewing multi-day excursions.
- Motorized vehicles are prohibited. This includes ATVs, snowmobiles, bicycles, and aircraft.
Review the detailed guides under visit responsibly for more information on staying safe and preserving our natural spaces.
Visit responsibly
Follow these guides to ensure your activities are safe, respectful, and ecologically friendly:
Maps and location
Getting there
Access to the east side of the park is by gravel roads leading west from Highway 93/95 along Toby Creek, Findlay Creek, Skookumchuck Creek, St. Mary’s River and Dewar Creek. These roads are frequently used by industrial logging traffic. Caution is advised.
Distances vary from 35 to 75 km to the trailheads. West side trailheads at Hamill Creek and Fry Creek are accessed from Highway 31 by turning west at Meadow Creek and proceeding south along the east side of Kootenay Lake to Argenta or Johnson’s Landing. The Kootenay-Joe Road leads from near Johnson’s Landing to the height of land between the front range and the Conservancy.
The Purcell Wilderness Conservancy Park is a non-mechanized area, access by vehicles of any kind is prohibited and enforced.
Acquiring a backroad map book for the area is recommended.
Things to do
There are unimproved horse trails in each main valley and routes into many of the side valleys and over passes. Rivers may be impassable during flood season, usually until the end of July. There are no bridges on the east side of the park and hikers will have to ford creeks.
Visitors should be able to read maps and be capable of route finding. Because this is a wilderness conservancy, the park has no facilities or marked trails and is not regularly serviced. Visitors should be self-sufficient and proficient in backcountry travel practices. For more information please see the trail information page.
There are refreshing swimming opportunities at this park in alpine lakes and streams.
There are no lifeguards on duty in BC Parks.
There are canoeing and kayaking opportunities in this park.
There are fishing opportunities in this park.
Anyone fishing in British Columbia must have an appropriate licence. To learn more, see the fishing and hunting guide.
There are abundant populations of animals including elk, deer, goats, black and grizzly bears, wolverines, martin, beaver, coyotes, wolves and even the occasional caribou. There are also at least 90 species of birds. There are many wildlife viewing opportunities however, be aware that during the summer many animals take refuge at higher elevations.
Dogs in backcountry parks must be under control at all times. Backcountry areas are not suitable for dogs or other pets due to wildlife issues and the potential for problems with bears.
Horseback riding and multi-day pack trips are permitted on the east side as defined by the height of land along the Purcell Mountains. Trails are unimproved, uncut and historical structures such as old bog bridges exist. Use extreme caution while crossing these structures and be prepared to cut out the trail. There are traditional horse camps along most trails. Please use established sites or practice no impact horse camping.
Although most alpine opportunities are remote the rugged back bone of the Purcell’s offers many climbing opportunities.
Hunting is permitted in the park during open hunting seasons. Firearms may be carried by persons with a BC hunting licence during an open hunting season. Horse assisted hunting trips are allowed on the east side of the conservancy during open seasons.
Anyone hunting in British Columbia must comply with BC hunting regulations. To learn more, see the fishing and hunting guide.
There are winter recreation opportunities for extended backcountry ski touring. Snow machines and aircraft are not allowed as the conservancy is a non-mechanized area.
Campfires are allowed. For this backcountry area, use dead trees on the ground as wood supply for fires.
At traditional campsites, use established fire-rings. In pristine areas, build fires on rocks or dig a hole, scatter the fire remnants and replace the sod ring when you move on. Please practice “Leave No Trace” camping.
Campfire bans may be in place. Before lighting a fire, check for bans or restrictions on BC Wildfire Service and on local or Indigenous government websites.
For information about Dewar Creek hot springs and the access trail, visit the Purcell Wilderness Conservancy trails page.
Soap, shampoo, and other cleaning products can damage sensitive hot spring ecosystems. They are not allowed in or near the hot spring.
About this park
During a visit to British Columbia in 1908, Earl Grey, Canada’s Governor General from 1904 to 1911, crossed the Purcell Mountains from Argenta on Kootenay Lake to Invermere by a trail up Hamill Creek, over a 2,256 metre pass, and down Tobyl Creek; the Well’s trail was later renamed Earl Grey Trail in his honour.
A cabin built in 1909 for Earl Grey and his family remains in deteriorating condition above the Toby Creek trail about twenty minutes walk from the Toby Creek trailhead. The trail Grey followed by horseback and foot was well known by First Nations people and the West Kootenay mining boom of the 1890’s and early 1900’s made the trail into an important access and supply route from the east, with even cattle being driven over it from Invermere on occasion.
The Purcell Mountains wilderness so impressed Grey that he wrote to the then Premier of British Columbia, Richard McBride, urging that this magnificent scenic mountain area be set aside as a national park. Nothing came of Grey’s proposal, however, and for over half a century the trail and the mountains remained the preserve of a few trappers, outfitters, foresters, and prospectors.
In 1904 the Argenta mining company operated a compressor station about 8 kilometres up from Lardeau on the lower end of Hamill Creek that supplied air to the Argenta Mine on Lavina Ridge above it. A four-horse wagon road was constructed up the Hamill Creek canyon with portions of the road hung from the canyon wall. A massive pelton wheel was hauled into place to drive the compressor. It is still in its original location along the trail. The mine closed in 1905 after operating only one year.
In the mid 1960’s Rod and Gun Club members from Invermere began lobbying for a Conservancy in the Purcell’s. With industrial logging development coming to many valleys in the area local people felt a sense of urgency to protect this spectacular area.
In 1970, the historical and recreational values of the Earl Grey Pass Trail were recognized by the community of Argenta which made reopening the trail its project for the 1971 British Columbia Centennial. In 1971 to 1972 Federal Opportunities for Youth (OFY) funds supported the efforts of area people to re-establish the trail. Though deviating from the original route owing to the forest fire impacts, creek crossing problems and money and manpower constraints, the OFY project strengthened a reawakening interest in the area Earl Grey had recommended for national park status.
In 1974, as a result of lobbying by conservationists, outdoor clubs and individuals through an Order-in-Council that literally stopped the bulldozers the Purcell Wilderness Conservancy encompassing 131,500 hectares of the Purcell Mountains was created.
The Conservancy, together with the adjacent 9,164 hectare St. Mary’s Alpine Park and 550 hectare Fry Creek Canyon Recreation Area, were preserved for their ecological and recreational values. In the 1980’s, amendments provided for application of the Park Act and Regulations and in 1995 an expanded Purcell Wilderness Conservancy became a British Columbia class A provincial park.
The Purcell Wilderness Conservancy Park is one of the first large scale wilderness areas in Canada to be set aside as a result of local citizen action. This contiguous undisturbed wilderness is critical in maintaining the viability and biodiversity of the largest intact ecosystem in southeastern B.C.
The Purcell Mountains embrace high glaciated mountains, resplendent alpine lakes, verdant wetlands, magnificent old growth forests and rushing rivers. These features provide habitat for an abundant variety of plant and animal communities. All of the ungulates of the Kootenay region, except bighorn sheep, are found within the conservancy as well as many species of carnivore and smaller animals.
The Purcell Conservancy Park preserves a way of life as well as natural values. Guide-outfitters and residents have accessed the east side of the conservancy with pack trains for many years to hunt a sustainable wildlife population and for sightseeing expeditions. On the west side cultural artifacts from the early mining period are still in place along the lower Hamill Creek and Fry Creek canyon is often visited by local hikers.
Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples
BC Parks honours Indigenous Peoples’ connection to the land and respects the importance of their diverse teachings, traditions, and practices within these territories. This park webpage may not adequately represent the full history of this park and the connection of Indigenous Peoples to this land. We are working in partnership with Indigenous Peoples to update our websites so that they better reflect the history and cultures of these special places.
General questions and feedback for BC Parks | We answer emails weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm Pacific Time. |