Know before you go
Safety information
- When hiking to Gibraltar Rock, remember that there are dangerously steep cliffs at the top of the bluff. Keep well back and watch your children.
Special notes
- The trail to Gibraltar Rock offers magnificent views of the lake and mountains.
- The Paul Lake group campsite is located at the opposite end of the lake from the main campground.
Review the detailed guides under visit responsibly for more information on staying safe and preserving our natural spaces.
Visit responsibly
Follow these guides to ensure your activities are safe, respectful, and ecologically friendly:
Maps and location
Getting there
From Hwy #5, 5 km north of Kamloops, take the paved Pinantan Road for 19 km to the campground, located on the north side of Paul Lake.
Frontcountry campgrounds
Things to do
The park has over 7 km of hiking trails. The trails take you from the lakeshore up a gentle grade through a mature Douglas fir forest to the summit of Gibraltar Rock, 900 metres in elevation. The last portion of the trail (about 300 metres) is somewhat steep but there are rest stops along the way.
Be aware of steep cliffs near top of the Gibraltar Rock trail. The summit gives spectacular views of the lake and Harper Mountain, as well as a bird’s eye view of ospreys, swallows and the rare white-throated swift. You may wish to take the alternate return route by way of the campground.
For your own safety and the preservation of the park, obey posted signs and keep to designated trails. Shortcutting trails destroys plant life and soil structure.
The park has 400 metres of sandy beach and marker buoys indicate the area along the beach where swimming is allowed. Boaters are restricted to outside of this area. Changing rooms, an open air shower and washrooms are provided.
There are no lifeguards on duty in BC Parks.
Paul Lake is stocked with blackwater and pennask strains of rainbow trout.
Anyone fishing in British Columbia must have an appropriate licence. To learn more, see the fishing and hunting guide.
Find fun summer outdoor learning experiences with Discover Parks Ambassadors here all summer long. For specific dates, along with many more seasonal and year-round activities, visit
The Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC has a fun, hands on, Learn to Fish Program that teaches basic angling skills to youth under 16 years old. Contact the park operator for more information.
Pets and domestic animals must be on a leash at all times and are not allowed in park buildings. On the beach, pets are restricted to a signed area near the east end of the parking lot. You are responsible for their behaviour and must dispose of their excrement. Backcountry areas are not suitable for dogs or other pets due to the potential for problems with bears and other wildlife.
Cycling is permitted on roads in the park but is not permitted on the hiking trails.
Please note that bicycles with electric assist motors (e-bikes) are not allowed on the trails within Paul Lake Park. E-bikes are restricted to park roads and areas where motorized use is permitted. The only exception to this policy will be for authorized and identified trail maintenance bikes conducting work on behalf of BC Parks.

Accessibility information is available for this park, as well as for Paul Lake Recreation Area.
There is a car-top boat launch. Boaters must stay outside the buoyed swimming area.
Campfires are allowed and campfire rings are provided at each campsite. We encourage visitors to conserve wood and protect the environment by minimizing the use of fire and using campstoves instead.
Firewood can be purchased in the park or you may bring your own wood. Fees for firewood are set locally and may vary from park to park.
Campfires must not exceed half a metre in height. Keep fires small, save trees and conserve firewood. Do not leave your campfire unattended. This is a high-risk forest fire area.
To preserve vegetation and ground cover, please don’t gather firewood from the area around your campsite or elsewhere in the park (this is a ticketable offence under the Park Act). Dead wood is an important habitat element for many plants and animals and it adds organic matter to the soil.
Campfire bans may be in place. Before lighting a fire, check for bans or restrictions on BC Wildfire Service and on local or Indigenous government websites.
Cold water taps are located throughout the park. There are no hose hookups for campers or trailers. Taps are shut off during the off-season.
The day-use and picnic area has a superb sandy beach, change houses, pit and flush toilets, cold water taps, an open-air shower and BBQs. The gate to the day-use area is locked between 11pm and 7am.
A sani-station and dump is available during the collecting season.
About this park
The original 402 hectares was designated as a park in 1961, with an additional 268 hectares added in 1996. The park addition was created as a result of recommendations made in the Kamloops Land and Resource Management Plan.
The 1996 addition to Paul Lake Park adds interior Douglas-fir forests, including stands of old growth. It protects habitat for the falcon, white-throated swift, bald eagle, coyote and mule deer.
A popular area for bird-watching, with osprey, swallows, and white-throated swifts. The park protects habitat for the falcon, white-throated swift, bald eagle, coyote and mule deer.
Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples
BC Parks honours Indigenous Peoples’ connection to the land and respects the importance of their diverse teachings, traditions, and practices within these territories. This park webpage may not adequately represent the full history of this park and the connection of Indigenous Peoples to this land. We are working in partnership with Indigenous Peoples to update our websites so that they better reflect the history and cultures of these special places.
Reservations, changes, and cancellations | Our call centre is open from 7 am to 7 pm Pacific Time. There is a $5 fee for reservations, changes, or cancellations made by phone.
Park operator | This park is operated by Shuswap Adams Parks Ltd. |
General questions and feedback for BC Parks | We answer emails weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm Pacific Time. |