West Coast management planning projects

West Coast management planning projects

This page lists management planning projects that are happening in the West Coast region. To learn more about what management planning is and how it works, visit the management planning process page.

Tahsish Kwois Park and Tahsish Kwois Ecological Reserve

We are developing a management plan for Tahsish Kwois Park and Tahsish River Ecological Reserve in collaboration with the Ka:yu:'k't'h'/Che:k'tles7et'h' First Nations.


Stage 1: Develop project plan (complete)

Stage 2: Draft management plan (in complete)

Stage 3: Public review and comment (in progress)

To learn more and participate in the online survey visit Help Shape BC | Let’s Talk BC Parks. The public engagement period is open until March 31, 2025.

Stage 4: Finalize management plan


Katherine Lesyshen, BC Parks

Mount Geoffrey Escarpment Park

We are developing a management plan for Mount Geoffrey Escarpment Park.


Stage 1: Develop project plan (complete)

Stage 2: Draft management plan (complete)

Stage 3: Public review and comment (complete)

Stage 4: Finalize management plan (in progress)


Katherine Lesyshen, BC Parks

Tribune Bay Park

We are developing management direction for the newly acquired lands adjacent to Tribune Bay Park. To learn more about this project, visit Help Shape BC | Let's Talk BC Parks.


Stage 1: Develop project plan (complete)

Stage 2: Draft management plan (complete)

Stage 3: Public review and comment (complete)

The public comment period is now closed. We thank all those who participated and shared important input.

Stage 4: Finalize management plan (in progress)


Jennifer Eliason, BC Parks 